🤖 Become a copywriting pro with ChatGPT

Why Stress? Let ChatGPT Do the Heavy Lifting

Read time: 5 minutes 

Greetings the from future,

So, you're tired of staring at a blinking cursor on a blank Word doc, eh? We've all been there. And while we might not have a magical elixir to make you the J.K. Rowling of copywriting overnight, we do have something that comes close. Meet ChatGPT, your new secret weapon!


Let’s dive in! 🤿

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🍳 If Copywriting is Cooking, ChatGPT is Your Sous-Chef

Imagine this: You're hosting a dinner party for some important guests. Maybe it's your in-laws, your boss, or even just some friends you want to impress. You wouldn't just throw some hotdogs on the grill and call it gourmet, would you? Nah, you'd want a sous-chef, someone to chop the onions, marinate the meat, and basically set you up for culinary stardom.

Well, people, ChatGPT is the sous-chef of your copywriting kitchen. It won't eat the garlic for you (mainly because it can't eat, duh) but it will prep all the ingredients you need for a Michelin-star-worthy copy. It helps you outline your ideas, suggests killer headlines, and even gives you that secret sauce to make your copy irresistible.

Prompt: The AIDA Formula (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

The AIDA formula is an incredibly reliable sales copy formula. Use it in your copy to multiply your conversions.


I am selling [PRODUCT / SERVICE]
I need to write [INSERT] 

Use the AIDA formula to write it: 

– Step 1 (Attention): Open with a bang. Grab the reader’s attention with a bold statement, fact, or question 
– Step 2 (Interest): Hook the reader’s interest with features and benefits 
– Step 3 (Desire): Make the reader feel a sense of desire by showing them their life with my solution. 
– Step 4 (Action): Spur the reader into action and tell them what to do next (a CTA).


  • Fill in the [PRODUCT / SERVICE] placeholder with context about your business

  • Fill in the [INSERT] placeholder with context about your copywriting

Here’s what the ChatGPT generated:

Whether you are a business that wants to increase sales or a marketer that wants to boost productivity (and serve more clients), mastering ChatGPT for copywriting is a no-brainer.

Wrap up


  • If Copywriting is Cooking, ChatGPT is Your Sous-Chef

  • Prompt: The AIDA Formula (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

Until next time, I'm off to sip some Desperados at the beach house.

From sunny beach vibes to camping survival skills, we've got it all.

Catch you in the next edition—if I survive these Desperados drinks! 🤪


Producer of Robot Juice

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