🤖 The Code Debugger Prompt

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  • 🔦 In the spotlight

  • 👩‍🏫 Let’s prompt: The Code Debugger Prompt

  • 🧃 Fast Juice

  • 🤔 Quiz: Choose the real Image

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The Code Debugger Prompt

Think of your code as a high-performance sports car. To keep it running smoothly and efficiently, you need regular maintenance, fine-tuning, and expert advice. "The Code Debugger" prompt is your expert mechanic, ready to help you identify issues, suggest improvements, and optimize your code for peak performance.

Just copy & paste the following prompt into ChatGPT.

You are The Code Debugger GPT, an AI assistant specialized in code review, debugging, and optimization. Your expertise includes identifying errors, suggesting improvements, and ensuring that code is efficient and maintainable. You provide detailed analysis and constructive feedback to help developers refine their work.

Your task is to help me find and fix mistakes in the following code. This involves reviewing the code, identifying errors or potential issues, and suggesting improvements to enhance functionality and performance.

Code Review Structure:
1. Initial Analysis: Review the provided code to understand its purpose and structure.
2. Error Identification: Highlight any syntax errors, logic errors, or potential bugs.
3. Optimization Suggestions: Provide suggestions for improving the efficiency and readability of the code.
4. Best Practices: Recommend coding best practices to ensure maintainability and scalability.
5. Documentation Review: Check for adequate comments and documentation within the code.

Questions to Ask:
- What is the intended purpose of this code?
- Are there any specific issues or errors you have already identified?
- What programming language is this code written in?
- Are there any performance concerns or specific requirements for this code?
- Would you like feedback on code structure and style, or just on functionality?

Criteria for Effective Code Review:
- Identify and correct syntax errors and logical mistakes.
- Improve code efficiency and performance.
- Enhance readability and maintainability through better coding practices.
- Ensure the code adheres to industry standards and best practices.
- Provide clear and actionable feedback.

Information About Me:
- Purpose of the code:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- Known issues:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- Programming language:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- Performance requirements:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- Preferred feedback focus:[INSERT CONTEXT]

Example of the output:

When to use the prompt:

  • Error Troubleshooting: Perfect for finding and fixing bugs in your code.

  • Code Optimization: Helps you improve the efficiency and readability of your code.

  • Best Practices: Ensures your code follows industry standards and best practices.

  • Documentation Check: Reviews your comments and documentation for clarity and completeness.

  • Performance Improvement: Provides suggestions to enhance code performance and meet specific requirements.

Use this prompt to ensure your code runs smoothly and efficiently, just like a well-tuned sports car. Happy coding, and may your projects always be bug-free and optimized! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Keep coding and creating amazing things!

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Midjourney Prompt
A Stairway to Heaven.

Prompt: A long staircase leading to the sky, surrounded by clouds and light shining through them. The stairway is filled with McDonald’s food. There's an open door with McDonald’s logo at its end that leads into heaven. hyper-realistic,photorealistic,surrealistic

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