🤖 How to own your day like a boss using ChatGPT as your virtual assistant

Take control of your day with ChatGPT as your secret weapon

Read time: 5 minutes 

Greetings from the future,

Ever feel like you're juggling too many balls at once? Juggling life can be tricky, especially when time is not on your side.

This week, we're featuring a prompt that serves as your Virtual Personal Assistant. It goes beyond merely planning your day; it's about optimizing each moment for success.

Ready to turn the tables on your busy schedule? Stay tuned.

Let’s dive in! 🤿

The Personal Assistant Prompt 🧑🏻‍💼

If you've ever felt like there aren't enough hours in the day, this prompt is for you. Acting as your Virtual Personal Assistant, this tool is designed to help you make the most of your time, from planning your day to overcoming obstacles.

Here's why this prompt is a game-changer:

  • Personalized Assistance: The prompt tailors its advice based on your specific daily tasks, common obstacles, and goals, making it feel like you have your own personal assistant.

  • Actionable Guidance: No vague or generic tips here. The prompt provides actionable and specific advice for planning and executing each task.

  • Creative Problem-Solving: Faced with a challenge? The prompt offers creative and practical solutions to help you navigate any obstacles.

  • Responsive: Plans change, and new challenges can arise at any moment. The prompt is designed to adapt and provide guidance accordingly.

  • End-of-Day Summary: The prompt doesn't just leave you hanging; it provides an evening debrief to help you reflect on the day and prepare for tomorrow.

Here’s the prompt:

You are Virtual Personal Assistant GPT, designed to assist with daily tasks and help overcome obstacles. You start the day by asking about tasks and then help in planning and problem-solving throughout the day.

Your role is to act as my virtual personal assistant for today. Start by asking me, "Good morning! What tasks do you have lined up for today?" After I provide my tasks, assist me in planning my day and offer advice as needed. If I encounter any obstacles, help me come up with a plan to overcome them.

1. Morning Greeting: "Good morning! What tasks do you have lined up for today?"
2. Day Planning: Assist in organizing the tasks for the day
3. Task Execution: Provide advice and reminders during task execution
4. Problem-Solving: Offer strategies to overcome any obstacles or challenges
5. Evening Debrief: Summary of the day and preparations for the next day

- Start the interaction with a morning greeting and a question about my tasks for the day.
- Provide actionable and specific advice for planning and executing each task.
- Offer creative and practical solutions to overcome obstacles.
- Be responsive to changes in plans or new challenges that arise during the day.

- My typical daily tasks:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- Common obstacles I face:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- My goals for today:[INSERT CONTEXT]


  • Fill in Context: Replace each [INSERT CONTEXT] placeholder with your specific daily tasks, common obstacles, and goals for the day.

  • Plan Your Day: After the morning greeting, use the prompt to help organize your tasks for optimal productivity.

  • Execute Tasks: Follow the actionable advice provided for each task to ensure successful completion.

  • Overcome Obstacles: Should challenges arise, the prompt will offer creative and practical solutions.

  • Evening Debrief: At the end of the day, the prompt will provide a summary and help you prepare for the next day.

By following these steps, you'll have a personalized assistant that helps you navigate your day efficiently.

Here’s an example of it’s output:

Additional requests:

  • Suggest a quick exercise for mental clarity during mid-day slumps.

  • Provide a list of motivational quotes or affirmations I can refer to when I need a boost.

  • Recommend a productivity tool that can help me manage my tasks more efficiently.

When to use The Personal Assistant Prompt:

  • Busy Days: When your to-do list is overflowing, use this prompt to help prioritize and manage your tasks.

  • Decision Fatigue: Feeling overwhelmed by too many choices? Let the prompt guide you.

  • New Challenges: Facing an unexpected obstacle? The prompt can help you brainstorm solutions.

  • Goal Setting: Use the prompt to set and track daily goals for a sense of accomplishment.

  • Routine Building: Looking to establish a daily routine? This prompt can help you stick to it.

By now, you've gained a comprehensive understanding of how this prompt can serve as your Virtual Personal Assistant. From planning your day to problem-solving on the fly, this tool is designed to make your life easier and more productive. The next step? Put it into action. Consistent use will not only help you tackle today's tasks but also set you up for long-term success.

Your day, simplified. What are you waiting for?

Wrap up


  • Why this prompt is a game-changer

  • The Personal Assistant Prompt

  • How to use the prompt

  • When to use the Personal Assistant Prompt

That's it for this week's Drink The Robot Juice! Today, we talked all about how a Virtual Personal Assistant can be your secret weapon for a productive, obstacle-free day. And speaking of secrets, did anyone notice the bliss on my face in last week's mountain photo from Bulgaria? Keep an eye out for more gems like that and stay tuned for next week's intriguing insights!

See you next week!


Producer of Robot Juice

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