🤖 Get more done with AI, Faster than ever before.

Work smarter, not harder.

Here’s what’s on the menu today👨🏽‍🍳

  • Get more done with AI

  • 🏃‍♀️The optimize morning routine prompt

  • 🎵 Spotify rolls out an AI-powered playlist feature

  • 🤖 AI tools for your toolkit

Read time: 2 minutes 

Get more done with AI, Faster than ever before.

Meet Alice, your new edge in achieving more, privately and efficiently. Alice is not just any app—it's a leap towards smarter work, combining ChatGPT-like interaction with a sleek, reliable interface. Beyond chatting, it brings your productivity to new heights securely. Explore Alice now and see how it redefines what you can do in a day.

  • Privacy-focused desktop app to 10x your productivity.

  • Chat like with ChatGPT, but with great UI and reliable.

  • Use keyboards shortcuts and pre-built prompts (Snippets).

  • Run automations to perform actions within your apps.

Ready to transform your productivity?

The optimize morning routine prompt

Looking to transform your chaotic mornings into a peaceful start? The "Optimize Morning Routine" prompt is your guide to streamline your morning activities, helping you kick off your day on the right note. Discover simple, effective steps to cut down the rush and embrace calm, energized mornings.

Just copy & paste the following prompt into ChatGPT.

My mornings are hectic because [describe what makes your mornings hectic, like oversleeping or a long commute]. I aim to start my day feeling [describe how you want to feel, like energized or calm]. What steps can I take to streamline my morning routine to achieve this?

Example of the output:

When to use the prompt:

  • If Your Mornings Often Feel Rushed or Unorganized: If you notice that you're frequently starting your day feeling frazzled or behind schedule.

  • When You Find Yourself Skipping Breakfast: If you often leave the house without eating because you don't think you have enough time.

  • On Days You Feel Unprepared for the Day Ahead: If you're heading out feeling like you’ve forgotten something or aren’t ready for what's coming.

  • Before Starting a Busy or Stressful Day: Use this prompt to organize your morning and approach the day with a clearer mind and a calmer attitude.

Spotify rolls out an AI-powered playlist feature

The AI wave crashing into the world of music has yet to make artistry obsolete, but it does appear to be working toward finding a place in how we discover and consume art itself…

Google Photos is getting an AI upgrade.

On Wednesday, Google announced that enhanced editing features previously limited to Pixel devices and paid subscribers, including its AI-powered Magic Editor, will now be available to all Google Photos users for free…

Get more done with AI, Faster than ever before.

Meet Alice, your new edge in achieving more, privately and efficiently. Alice is not just any app—it's a leap towards smarter work, combining ChatGPT-like interaction with a sleek, reliable interface…

AI Playlist

Spotify rolls out an AI-powered playlist feature

Spotify is stepping up its game by introducing an AI DJ feature that’s more personal than ever. Imagine this: You say something like, “I’m feeling blue, but I’m all about purple today,” and Spotify crafts a playlist tailored just for you. It's not just about genres; it's about how you're feeling or even your favorite color. Testing its limits could be pretty fun.

Besides playing DJ, Spotify is also expanding into audiobooks, podcasts, and even education technology, trying to stand out from other big names like Apple Music and Amazon.

This new AI playlist feature is rolling out first in a few countries, and it might take a while to get everywhere. Some Spotify users might find themselves waiting a bit longer than they'd like for these new features to arrive.

The rise of AI in music isn’t making artists obsolete but is finding its own space in how we discover and enjoy music. It’s an interesting blend of technology and personal taste.

If you're not constantly following AI developments, the whole thing might seem a bit distant. Yet, features like Spotify’s AI DJ show that AI technology is becoming a part of everyday activities, like choosing music, making it more accessible to everyone.

So, let's give this new feature a spin and see what it can do. It's all about mixing a bit of tech with our daily dose of music.

Alice: The easy way to create stunning audio, translate your content and have your story told.

Volar Dating: Let your AI go on blind dates for you

Questflow: AI automation workspace for automating repetitive tasks across platforms. Designed for any size, solo or the whole team.

Eightify: Save time on long videos, get key ideas instantly

Suna: Make any song you can imagine

Casting a shadow on Earth.

The Eclipse.

By Midjourney

By Midjourney

Cya next time with more robot juice! 🫡


Producer of Robot Juice