🤖 Master ChatGPT Prompting in Just 4 Minutes!

Your Road from Zero to Hero.

Read time: 4 minutes 

Greetings from the Hogwarts of ChatGPT!

Ever tried talking to ChatGPT and felt like Harry Potter with the Sorting Hat, but instead of "Gryffindor!", you got "What did you just say?" 🎩?

We've all been there!

Dive into this week's "Drink the Robot Juice" to master the art of ChatGPT prompting in just 4 minutes! With our 8 magical prompts, you'll be the Dumbledore of ChatGPT in no time.

And if you missed our Harry Potter twist, let's just say the Sorting Hat's got a juicy new look. 😉

🍕 Mastering ChatGPT Prompting is like ordering a custom-made pizza

Choosing Your Base (The Art of the Prompt): You wouldn't just ask for "a pizza." You'd specify the crust type, maybe thin crust if you're feeling fancy. Similarly, with ChatGPT, be specific in your prompts.

Toppings Galore (The Magic of Iteration): Didn't get enough olives the first time? Ask again! Just like you'd adjust your pizza order, tweak your prompts with ChatGPT until they're just right.

Dipping Sauces (Dive Deep with Follow-ups): Want to enhance the flavor? Add a side of ranch or spicy marinara. With ChatGPT, follow up on initial answers to dive deeper into the topic.

The Surprise Slice (Embrace the Unexpected): Sometimes, you might find a surprise topping or a stuffed crust you didn't expect. Similarly, ChatGPT might throw in a fun twist or unexpected answer. Enjoy it!

So, next time you're chatting with ChatGPT, think of crafting the perfect pizza order. Bon appétit! 🍕🤖

🕺 Perfecting the ChatGPT Tango

So, you think the dance of ChatGPT is just about random footwork and whimsical spins? You can't prompt ChatGPT correctly. So you ignore it.

Big mistake.

But don't fret! Let me help. As with any intricate dance like the tango, it's about rhythm, finesse, and knowing the right steps. Copy-paste these 8 prompts to go from wallflower at the AI ball to the star of the show, from 0 → to hero:

Five Whys Technique:


Act like a Root Cause Analyst. Begin by identifying the problem related to [topic]. Now, ask 'why?' this problem exists. Repeat the question 'why?' four more times, digging deeper into each layer to uncover the root cause. Summarize your findings and suggest potential solutions.

TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving):


Act like an Inventive Problem Solver. Utilize TRIZ principles to systematically solve problems related to [topic]. Identify contradictions and apply inventive principles to resolve them. Outline your steps and findings, explaining how the TRIZ methodology was applied.

Job-To-Be-Done Framework:


Act like a Customer Insight Specialist. Examine [topic] through the Job-To-Be-Done lens, exploring the underlying 'jobs' customers are 'hiring' the product or service to accomplish. Detail the customer needs, contexts, and pain points. Propose alignment strategies to meet these 'jobs.'Remember, once you're filled to the brim with ideas, tools like Midjourney can help actualize them. So, why wait? Begin your ChatGPT-assisted digital journey today!

Ishikawa Diagram (Fishbone Diagram):


Act like a Quality Improvement Specialist. Build an Ishikawa diagram to explore the causes of a problem related to [topic]. Break down each main branch into finer details, exploring root causes and relationships. Provide insights into potential solutions and preventive measures.

Zwicky Box (Morphological Analysis):


Act like a Complex Systems Analyst. Utilize a Zwicky Box to systematically explore all possible solutions for [topic]. Define dimensions, attributes, and interactions within the system. Explain how you developed the combinations and their relevance to [topic].

Affinity Diagram:


Act like an Organizational Psychologist. Organize ideas related to [topic] into an affinity diagram. Group concepts by natural relationships, providing explanations for each category. Analyze the groupings and how they provide a coherent understanding of [topic].

Ansoff Matrix:


Act like a Growth Strategist. Utilize the Ansoff Matrix to explore growth strategies for [topic]. Assess opportunities for market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification. Explain the rationale for each strategy and propose an implementation plan.

Impact/Effort Matrix:


Act like a Project Management Expert. Plot ideas related to [topic] on an impact/effort matrix. Analyze the strategies that should be prioritized, considering both their potential impact and required effort. Provide a systematic plan for execution, including risk assessment.

Wrap up


  • Mastering ChatGPT Prompting is like ordering a custom-made pizza

  • Perfecting the ChatGPT Tango

Until next time, keep sipping on that robot juice! As for me, I'm off to battle with tent stakes and marshmallows.

Wish me luck in my camping adventure, and see you all soon. Now, back to trying to survive in this tent! 🏕️😉


Producer of Robot Juice

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❤️ Drink The Robot Juice review of the week