🤖 Master the perfect ChatGPT prompt formula PART 3


Greetings from the future,

In this third edition of "Master the Perfect ChatGPT Prompt Formula," we're delving into a crucial but often overlooked aspect of prompt crafting - Exemplars. Exemplars, or examples, play a vital role in steering AI responses in the direction we desire. 👨‍🏫

Reminder: If you haven't yet explored Part 1 (Prompt Crafting) and Part 2 (Task and Context) of our series, I recommend reading them first. They provide essential insights that will enhance your understanding of the concepts discussed in this third edition.

Here’s what’s on the menu today👨🏽‍🍳

  • The role of Exemplars in shaping AI outputs

  • Tips for using examples effectively in your prompts

  • Practical examples to illustrate their impact

Read time: 5 minutes 

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Let's get started!

Understanding the Power of Exemplars:

Exemplars are like guiding stars for AI. They provide concrete examples that the AI can use as a reference, helping it understand not just what you want, but how you want it.

Why Use Exemplars?

  • Clarity: They clarify your expectations, reducing ambiguity in AI responses.

  • Precision: By providing a model, exemplars help in obtaining more precise and relevant results.

How to Effectively Use Exemplars in Prompts:

  • Relevant Examples: Choose examples that closely align with your desired outcome.

  • Balance: Provide enough detail for guidance but avoid overloading the AI with information.

Imagine you're asking AI to create a social media post. Here's how you might use an exemplar:

Craft a social media post about sustainable living. Use a conversational tone, similar to the style in [example post link]. Focus on easy tips for reducing plastic use in daily life.Here’s an example of it’s output:

Here’s an example of it’s output:

Get your own custom AI Assistant/GPT for your business.

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  • Automate repetitive tasks and boost your team's productivity with custom workflows.

Ready to reclaim your time and unlock your business potential? Fill out the form today and let's chat about your AI future!

My personal favourite GPT’s

  1. Virtual Co-founder - A founder's virtual companion for decision-making and idea validation.

  2. Boundary Boss - Helps you say "no" politely in work and personal situations

  3. Read 1000 Books per Year - Supercharge your reading volume, comprehension, and retention.

Wrapping Up:

Using exemplars can significantly enhance the quality of responses in a variety of scenarios, from content creation to data analysis. Experiment with different types and see how they change the AI's outputs.

Upcoming in the Series:

  • Part 1: prompt crafting

  • Part 2: Task and Context

  • Part 3: Exemplars

  • Part 4: Persona and Format

  • Part 5: Tone

Exemplars are a powerful tool in your prompt crafting toolkit. By using them wisely, you can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your interactions with AI.

Until our next edition, keep exploring, and prompting!


Producer of Robot Juice