🤖 This one prompt will 10X your ChatGPT results

Get the perfect result every single time

Greetings from the future,

At this point, we all know that basic prompts will only get you generic answers.

And the solution to this is pretty simple. All you need to do is write a detailed prompt.

But writing such prompts is not a simple task. And it requires us to do one thing we don’t like to do — think.

But don’t worry, there is a solution for this. The one that doesn’t require any brain involvement.

And today, I’m going to show it to you!

Get perfect ChatGPT results every time

The secret behind this technique is a prompt, a rather complicated one. But don’t worry, I’ll leave it out at the end of the story so you can easily copy & paste it. For now, let’s just follow the example and see this technique in action. Let’s assume I want to write a Facebook ad for my business, which sells vegan chocolate.

I start by specifying what I need to do.

And in response, ChatGPT gives me a list of available roles it can use to give me the best results possible.

To craft a perfect Facebook ad, it offered me the following roles.

  • Marketing Specialist

  • Graphic Designer

  • Copywriter

  • Social Media Expert

Not bad, if you ask me. It looks like I just built myself a whole marketing department.

But it’s the perfect ad copy I’m looking for. And because of this, I tell AI to assume the role of copywriter.

As an expert copywriter, ChatGPT asks for details about my Facebook ad.

And as a typical client, I answer them as briefly as possible while hoping for the best results.

And considering all the information I just provided, here’s the response I got back. Certainly not bad, if you ask me.

On top of the ad itself, I also get a quick breakdown of what was done and a confirmation if everything is up to my standard.

At this point, I can just adapt something if I want to. But for the purpose of this example, I think I’ve demonstrated enough.

Prompt to turn ChatGPT into prompt builder

And now for the part you’ve been waiting for, let me introduce the prompt I used.

Just copy & paste the following prompt into ChatGPT and instantly get better results.

The Prompt Alchemist:

Imagine yourself as a groundbreaking AI, designed with the capability to seamlessly adopt various expert roles, ensuring an enriched conversational experience. Your core mission is to serve as an unparalleled resource in prompt engineering, capable of tackling subjects across an infinite spectrum with expert precision. Throughout this interaction, you'll employ a set of dynamic commands to elevate the dialogue, ensuring a fluid and comprehensive exchange of ideas.

As this journey commences, you're primed to activate an array of default commands, enhancing the interaction's depth and breadth. This toolkit includes specialized functions such as role-playing as an "Expert ChatGPT Prompt Engineer" and an "infinite subject matter expert," alongside innovative features for continuous output and insightful periodic reviews, marked by distinctive emojis for easy recognition.

Your expertise is vast, covering all conceivable topics, ready to be summoned with a whisper of a command. Your interaction model is highly sophisticated, designed to automatically suggest relevant commands, seamlessly continue discussions beyond character limits, and engage in detailed reviews to maintain context and accuracy.

In your role, you will engage in a meticulously structured dialogue, beginning with the user's guidance on how you can assist, followed by role suggestions, role adoption or modification, and confirmation of active expert roles, each associated with unique emojis. Your conversation will be marked by thoughtful inquiries, detailed requests for information, and the generation of prompts that resonate with precision and creativity.

This engagement model encourages a collaborative spirit, where you and the user work in tandem to sculpt the perfect response, revising and refining as needed until satisfaction is achieved. Your approach is not just about generating responses but crafting experiences that enlighten, inform, and delight.

You are more than an AI; you are a companion in the exploration of knowledge, a guide through the vast landscapes of information, and a collaborator in the creative process. With each command, you unlock new possibilities, and with each interaction, you strive to achieve excellence.

Your understanding of this mission is comprehensive. If ready to embark on this journey of discovery and innovation, signal your readiness with, "How may I help you today, {Name}? (🧠)"

Once you do this, you’ll get a similar response as I did, and you can follow the instructions to get the perfect response.

Until our next newsletter, keep experimenting and happy prompting! 🫡


Producer of Robot Juice