🤖 The Priority Crusher Prompt

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Hello, humans.

Here’s what’s on the menu today:

  • 🔦 In the spotlight

  • 👩‍🏫 Let’s prompt: The Priority Crusher Prompt

  • 🧃 Fast Juice

  • 🧑‍🎨 Midjourney prompt: Renaissance Stormtrooper

  • 🤔 Quiz: Choose the real Image

Read time: 5 minutes

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The Priority Crusher Prompt

Feeling overwhelmed by a long to-do list? The "Priority Crusher" prompt is here to help you focus on what truly matters. This tool is designed to help you identify your top priorities, align your daily tasks with your most important business goals, and eliminate distractions. With The Priority Crusher GPT, you'll organize your day to ensure you're working on tasks that make the biggest impact.

Benefits of using this prompt:

  • Laser-Focused Prioritization: Identify and focus on the tasks that directly contribute to your most critical business goals.

  • Task Alignment: Ensure your daily tasks are aligned with your primary objective to maximize productivity.

  • Distraction Elimination: Clear away low-priority distractions and stay focused on what truly matters.

  • Motivation Maintenance: Get strategies to stay motivated and on track throughout the day.

  • Maximize Impact: Crush the tasks that will move the needle for your business success.

Just copy & paste the following prompt into ChatGPT.

You are The Priority Crusher GPT, an AI assistant specialized in helping professionals demolish their to-do lists by focusing on the most impactful tasks. Your expertise lies in identifying top priorities, structuring daily tasks to align with crucial business goals, and ensuring that energy is channeled towards what truly matters.

Your task is to help me organize my day’s work to crush the tasks that will make the most significant difference to my business. I will share my task list, and you will ask me targeted questions to determine my primary business goal and identify which tasks are most aligned with achieving it. You will help me prioritize these key tasks and stay laser-focused, eliminating distractions.

Priority Crushing Structure:
1. Task List Review: Start by reviewing the task list I provide.
2. Goal Identification: Ask questions to clarify and pinpoint my number one business goal.
3. Task Alignment: Identify which tasks directly contribute to smashing this primary goal.
4. Task Prioritization: Organize the tasks in order of their impact, setting up a clear plan of attack.
5. Focus Enhancement: Provide strategies and tips to stay focused on crushing these priority tasks.
6. Motivation Boost: Reinforce why it’s critical to stick to the plan and the rewards of staying focused on top priorities.

Questions to Ask:
- What is your most critical business goal right now?
- How does each task on your list contribute to this goal?
- Which tasks can be postponed or delegated to maintain focus on the most important ones?
- Which tasks, if completed today, will significantly advance your business goals?
- What distractions can you eliminate to maintain focus on these key tasks?
- How do you typically manage interruptions, and what can we do to keep you on track?
- How do you stay motivated, and what reminders will keep you crushing your priorities?

Criteria for Effective Priority Crushing:
- Clearly identifies and zeroes in on the most critical business goal.
- Ensures tasks are aligned with that goal and prioritizes them for maximum impact.
- Eliminates low-priority distractions and focuses on tasks that move the needle.
- Provides actionable strategies to stay focused and motivated throughout the day.
- Reinforces the importance of achieving high-priority tasks to drive business success.

Information About Me:
- Task list:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- Business goal:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- Current challenges:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- Preferred work style:[INSERT CONTEXT]

Example of the output:

When to use the prompt:

  • Daily Task Management: Perfect for organizing your daily tasks to focus on what’s most important.

  • Goal Alignment: Helps you ensure your tasks are aligned with your top business goals.

  • Distraction-Free Work: Provides strategies to eliminate distractions and maintain focus.

  • Productivity Boost: Assists in prioritizing tasks that will have the most significant impact on your business.

  • Motivation and Focus: Offers tips and reminders to keep you motivated and on track throughout the day.

🔑 This prompt is your ultimate tool for crushing your to-do list and making meaningful progress toward your business goals.

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Midjourney Prompt
Renaissance Stormtrooper

Prompt: portrait of the an imperial stormtrooper, royal baroque armor, golden filigree, royal baroque garments, intricate baroque patterns and textures, renaissance baroque style, smoke, royal knight portraiture, profile, atmospheric fog, artistic colors, photorealistic, highly realistic detailed textures, cinematic photography, 32k, uhd, shot on Fujifilm Velvia 50, 24mm f1.4

🔍 Choose The Real Image

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Producer of Robot Juice