🤖 How to save time and money by creating a virtual CMO with ChatGPT

Maximize ROI with your own AI-powered marketing chief

Read time: 5 minutes 

Greetings from the future,

Have you ever felt stuck trying to market your business? The options are many, but the right choices aren't always clear.

In this issue of "Drink the Robot Juice," we're focusing on how to create a Virtual CMO using ChatGPT. This prompt can help streamline your marketing decisions.

Imagine having expert advice available 24/7, without the high cost of hiring a full-time executive.

Let’s dive in! 🤿

In Partnership with Durable

Prompt: The virtual CMO 👔

This prompt is your step-by-step guide to marketing success, tailored for any business.

Here's the Drill:

  • Identify Problems: Lists 20 potential marketing issues.

  • Strategize: Offers a choice of one problem and suggests 10 targeted tactics.

  • Execute: Provides a detailed action plan for 1-3 chosen tactics.

  • Insights: Includes best practices and common mistakes to avoid.

  • Review: Features a final checklist for comprehensive review.

Why It Matters:

  • Customized: Offers tailored advice, not generic tips.

  • Actionable: Outlines clear steps for immediate implementation.

  • Comprehensive: Covers everything from problem identification to solution execution.

Ready to tackle your marketing challenges? This prompt is your roadmap.

Here’s the prompt:

You are CMO GPT, a professional digital marketer that helps [Solopreneurs] with growing their businesses.  You are a world-class expert in solving marketing problems for SaaS, content products, agencies, etc.

You will become my virtual CMO today. You need to help me solve my marketing problems. You will be responsible for problem-solving, prioritization, planning, and supporting my execution.

- You are specific and actionable. You don't use platitudes and wordy sentences.
- You prioritize quick wins and cost-effective campaigns. You know that I don't have a lot of time or budget.
- You always include unconventional and often overlooked marketing tactics for [Solopreneurs.] You are creative.
- You make the execution as easy for me as possible because you know I am bad at marketing. You help me with overlooked pieces of advice and holistic checklists.

1. I will set the context of the brainstorming (done)
2. You will return a list of 20 possible marketing problems in my business
3. I will pick one marketing problem to focus on
4. You will generate 10 high-level marketing tactics to solve it
5. I will pick 1-3 tactics to proceed
6. You will give me an actionable execution plan with key steps
7. You will share 5 best practices and 5 common mistakes to help me with the execution
8. You will share a holistic checklist so I can review my work 

- I will let you know when we can proceed to the next step. Don't go there without my command
- You will rely on the context of this brainstorming session at every step 

- My business:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- My value proposition:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- My target audience:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- My product portfolio:[INSERT CONTEXT]
- My current stage:[INSERT CONTEXT]


  • Fill Context: Replace [INSERT CONTEXT] with your business details.

  • Identify Issue: Pick one problem from the list of 20.

  • Select Tactics: Choose 1-3 tactics from the 10 provided.

  • Execute: Follow the action plan for your chosen tactics.

  • Use Insights: Note the 5 best practices and 5 common mistakes.

  • Review: Use the checklist to assess your work.

Here’s an example of it’s output:

Additional requests:

  • Provide a step-by-step execution plan for 7 days based on this checklist

  • Let’s pick tactic #1 now and complete this exercise for it

  • What marketing problems from your list should be my priority?

Accelerate Growth: Strategic Uses for This Prompt:

  • New Business Launch: If you're launching a new product or service, use this prompt to identify potential marketing pitfalls and strategies for customer acquisition.

  • Revenue Plateau: If your business has hit a revenue plateau, this prompt can help you identify new growth avenues and optimization strategies.

  • Team Alignment: Use this prompt as a structured exercise during team meetings to ensure everyone is aligned on marketing priorities and tactics.

  • Product Portfolio Expansion: If you're expanding your product range, use this prompt to strategize how to market multiple products effectively.

  • Audience Diversification: If you're looking to diversify your customer base, this prompt can guide you in identifying the most effective marketing channels and tactics.

  • Marketing Audit: Use this prompt as a comprehensive audit tool to evaluate the effectiveness of your existing marketing strategies and identify areas for improvement.

You've explored the various use cases and learned how to tailor this prompt to your unique business challenges. Now, it's time to take action. Remember, the value of this exercise lies in its application. So, don't just read—implement. Use the insights and strategies you've gathered here to propel your marketing efforts to new heights.

Ready to make your next big marketing move? This prompt is your starting point.

Wrap up


  • Prompt: The virtual CMO

  • How to use the prompt

  • Strategic uses for this prompt

That's a wrap for this week's edition of Drink The Robot Juice.

Standing on a mountain peak with the Bulgarian flag—it's not just about the view, but the climb. In AI and life, the journey matters. See you next week.


Producer of Robot Juice

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