🤖 Smash tasks, skip procrastination with ChatGPT.

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Here’s what’s on the menu today👨🏽‍🍳

  • Master AI before it replaces you.

  • the beat procrastination prompt

  • Apple WWDC 2024, promises to be ‘A(bsolutely) I(ncredible)’

  • More AI tools for your toolkit

Read time: 2 minutes 

Master AI before it replaces you.

Whether you're a visionary, an innovator, or simply someone who refuses to be left behind...

The AI tidal wave is crashing down upon us…

And while others might use it to propel themselves forward, leaving many floundering in their wake, there's still a chance for you to ride the crest.

It's not just about keeping pace; it's about setting the pace [and watching them try to keep up].

Welcome to 100 Days of AI — your not-so-secret weapon in the digital arms race. This is where you transform from an observer to a leader, mastering the tools that will define tomorrow. Are you prepared to claim your spot at the forefront of the future?

The beat procrastination prompt

Stop Waiting, Start Doing

We all wait too long to do things sometimes. Here, we'll find out how to notice when we're doing it and how to get moving. Let’s get into it.

Just copy & paste the following prompt into ChatGPT.

I tend to procrastinate when [describe the situations or types of tasks that make you procrastinate] and it causes me to [outline the activities you procrastinate with]. What can I do to catch myself doing it, overcome these triggers and get into action?

Example of the output:

When to Use the Prompt:

  • If you keep avoiding a task.

  • On days you do less than planned.

  • When reaching for distractions instead of working.

  • Before starting overwhelming projects.

Amazon doubles down on Anthropic, completing its planned $4B investment

The $1.25 billion it invested at the time must be producing results, or perhaps they’ve realized that there are no other horses available to back.

Apple WWDC 2024, set for June 10-14, promises to be ‘A(bsolutely) I(ncredible)’

Apple SVP Greg “Joz” Joswiak just confirmed via the social media platform formerly known as Twitter that the company’s annual World Wide Developer Conference is set for June 10-14.

US farms are making an urgent push into AI. It could help feed the world

American farmers are rapidly ploughing ahead with adopting artificial intelligence. The technology is as sophisticated as it is essential.

‘A(bsolutely) I(ncredible)’

Apple WWDC 2024, set for June 10-14, promises to be ‘A(bsolutely) I(ncredible)’

Apple's big yearly event for app creators, the World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC), is happening June 10-14, confirmed by Apple SVP Greg “Joz” Joswiak. He's really excited, hinting at big news related to artificial intelligence (AI). The conference is a big deal for people who make apps and software for Apple's devices, offering workshops and panels mainly at their Cupertino campus. It's where Apple shows off new versions of their operating systems, like iOS and macOS.

This year, everyone's eyes are on Apple's AI plans. After competitors like Microsoft and Google have been making waves with AI, Apple's CEO Tim Cook teased some major innovations coming up. And let's face it, with all this talk of AI, maybe we'll finally get an iPhone that can laugh at our jokes!

There's also buzz about a big partnership with Google for the iPhone. Rumors suggest this year's iOS update could be the most significant yet, with AI tools designed to help with everyday tasks—because who wouldn't want their phone to remind them to water the plants or, better yet, do it for them?

Following the trend, Apple recently claimed their new MacBook Airs are the best laptops for AI use, thanks to advanced chip technology.

To kick things off, a special event at Apple Park will welcome developers and students, continuing a tradition of celebrating innovation. This comes as tech giants globally highlight their latest tech, with Apple's announcement closely following Google's and Microsoft's own developer events. Let's just hope that by the end of WWDC, our devices will be smart enough to find those lost socks.

More AI tools for your toolkit

100daysai: Learn AI skills in 100 days with daily bitesized lessons.

Popai: Imagine having a personal assistant within every document. With PopAi, this is a reality. Our AI tool understands your documents and interacts with you

DeepMode AI: Create your own AI clone and generate perfect images with unlimited creativity

RenderNet: Create AI images with character consistency

unicornplatform: Turn long videos into social-ready clips with one magical click. Get ready to grow on all channels.

Cya next time with more robot juice! 🫡


Producer of Robot Juice